Egg Creamy Sandwich Recipe

Egg Creamy Sandwich Recipe. Egg Sandwich is a flavorful method for causing children to eat something solid.
This sandwich formula is ready by making a filling of new cream, bubbled and squashed eggs, capsicum, salt and pepper.

A short time later, this blend is filled inside the earthy colored bread and eaten new.
How to make Egg Sandwich
Stage 1 Cut the sides of all bread cuts
To set up this simple formula, cut the sides of all the bread cuts and keep them to the side.
Stage 2 Mash the stripped eggs and mix new cream in another bowl
Strip the eggs and squash them with the assistance of a masher or a fork in an enormous bowl.
Then again, add new cream in another bowl and mix it well too.
Stage 3 Mix pounded eggs in the cream bowl with capsicum
In the bowl of cream, add the pounded eggs, salt, dark pepper powder, cleaved capsicum.
Utilizing a spoon, blend well every one of the fixings.
Stage 4 Spread the egg-cream combination in one cut and cover with another, serve right away
Presently, take a bread cut and spread this blend equally.
Once done, cover with a plain cut of bread. Cut into wanted shapes and serve right away.

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