Beetroot Paratha Recipe

Beetroot Paratha Recipe

Beetroot Paratha Recipe. Could it be said that you are searching for intriguing ways of taking care of your child nutritious food like ragi and jowar?

Indeed, then, at that point, your pursuit is over on the grounds that this staggering formula of Superhero Paratha is exactly what you really want.

Beetroot Paratha

Beetroot Paratha Recipe

This morning meal formula highlights ragi, wheat flour, beetroot juice, chocolate syrup and strawberry syrup.

With this lip-smacking breakfast formula, you can give your family the sustenance they need.

You can pack this mouth-watering paratha formula in your youngsters’ lunch box for school or serve it at the morning meal table.

The chocolaty-strawberry kind of this delightful primary dish formula will be savored by children and grown-ups the same.

Along these lines, you can serve this flavorful breakfast formula to your children and their companions on game evenings and play dates.

Presently, don’t simply blindly trust us. Feel free to attempt it for yourself!

How to make Superhero Paratha

Stage 1

To make this scrumptious paratha formula, extricate beetroot juice utilizing an electric juicer.

Stage 2

Add wheat flour alongside finger millet in a bowl.

Blend well and afterward partition similarly into two dishes.

Stage 3

In one bowl, add the chocolate syrup and kneed the mixture completely.

Stage 4

In the other bowl, add the strawberry syrup alongside beetroot juice and kneed the mixture completely.

Stage 5

Then, make balls out of the mixture and smooth into medium estimated paratha.

Stage 6

Use stencils to remove 2-3 states of a couple parahas.

Stage 7

Presently, place the shapes made of chocolate batter on a strawberry paratha and shapes made of strawberry mixture on chocolate paratha.

Stage 8

Presently, place a container over medium fire and hotness ghee in it.

Beetroot Paratha Recipe

Stage 9

Then, put the parantha on the dish.

Guarantee to warm a greater amount of the lower part of each paratha and softly on the opposite side for example the side with shapes.

Stage 10

Once done, sprinkle some strawberry syrup on strawberry paratha and chocolate syrup on chocolate parantha.

Stage 11

At last, decorate with cheddar and serve hot!

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