Why has COVID-19 been especially harmful for working women?

Why has COVID-19 been especially harmful for working women?

Why has COVID-19 been especially harmful for working women?,

COVID-19 harmful for working women?

01/8​The Oxfam file

Everyone, brace yourself. This article talks about the findings of the these days-released Oxfam Inequality Equality Report 2019 that could take you aback and pressure you to brood over the deplorable situation of girls in India. The document, this is going viral, highlights the harsh reality about the pay hole, sexual harassment and the mentality of people with some compelling information. In truth, a survey of 1,000 households in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh revealed some stunning statistics consisting of how 54 consistent with cent of the contributors believed it’s ok to conquer a lady if she left domestic with out permission. Read directly to recognize greater…

Why has COVID-19 been especially harmful for working women?

02/8​The unpaid care paintings

Let’s talk approximately the unpaid work finished by way of women in our united states of america that includes searching after the household and kids. Most of the instances it is assumed to be her ‘responsibility’ and probably, we by no means see it from the economic issue. Going by means of the findings of this report, this unpaid work is well worth 3.1 according to cent of the united states of america’s GDP!

03/eight​Women vs Men

Women spend 312 mins each day on an average in city areas and 291 minutes in rural regions for such paintings. On the other hand, men spend merely 29 mins in city and 32 minutes in rural areas on unpaid care paintings.

04/8​The most shocking finding!

The report also talked about a 1,000 household survey they did within the states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh. Unfortunately, 53 per cent of the individuals felt it’s miles okay to harshly criticise a female if she fails to care nicely for children and 33 in line with cent found it is ok to beat her up for the identical motive. Similarly, it was desirable for 60 in line with cent of the individuals to criticise her if she left a established or ill adult unattended and 36 in step with cent observed it acceptable to conquer her for this.

05/eight​Some experience it’s far okay to beat women!

Shockingly, fifty four in step with cent felt it changed into okay to overcome women if they left the house with out asking and 86 in step with cent did now not see anything wrong in criticising them for the equal. Further, 41 consistent with cent confessed it become okay to conquer her up if she did now not cook dinner the meal for the guys inside the circle of relatives and forty two in step with cent felt she ought to be crushed is she did no longer fetch water or wooden for the own family.

06/8​The pay hole exists!

The document showed that women were paid much less than men for the identical activity and the family wherein girls had been the only breadwinners tended to be poorer.

07/8​The #MeToo motion

While the much famous #MeToo movement helped the ladies in the organised workforce to elevate their voice, females in unorganised zone had no formal mechanism for talking up against sexual misconduct. As a end result, a majority of women in informal zone either persisted to paintings beneath exploitive conditions or gave up their job.

08/8​​The global situation

The global scenario at the unpaid work achieved through women isn’t always rosy both. The record discovered such paintings equalled to whopping 10 trillion bucks that comes out to be round forty three instances the once a year profits of one among the largest era organizations Apple.

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