Twisted Sandwich Recipe

Twisted Sandwich Recipe

Twisted Sandwich Recipe. Kids’ Day is not far off, so buck up individuals and set up these astounding Carrot and Apple Sandwiches for your little ones.

This simple to-make sandwich formula is inactive for a tomfoolery outing and you might pack them for child’s tiffin and excursions.

Twisted Sandwich Recipe

Twisted Sandwich

Substitute yummy layers of apple and carrot spreads complete one another so indeed, likewise making the sandwich delicate and smooth.

Utilize earthy colored bread for a sound breakfast and guarantee that dates are seedless.

Enjoy your children and begin setting up these rich sandwiches to treat them with the decency of apples and carrots.

What are you hanging tight for? Get in the kitchen and set up these yummy sandwiches now!

How to make Carrot and Apple Sandwich

Stage 1

In a bowl, add ground carrot, raisin, hacked capsicum and 3 tbsp mayonnaise.

Blend well in with a spoon.

Stage 2

In a different bowl, add ground apple, hacked dates, cinnamon powder and remaining mayonnaise.

Blend well in with a spoon.

Stage 3

Apply carrot spread on a cut of bread and club it up with one more cut of bread.

Apply apple spread on top of second layer of bread cut and club it up with another bread cut.

Twisted Sandwich Recipe

Stage 4

Painstakingly cut sandwich askew in two triangles and present with a glass of milk or squeeze.

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