Turnip and Potato Patties Recipe
Turnip and Potato Patties Recipe. Patties Recipe, are a heavenly and mouth-watering delight that can make your gatherings considerably more unique. Patties Recipe, Made with turnip, potatoes, onions, egg, flour, salt and pepper, this is a flavorful nibble formula that isn’t simply filling for the stomach yet in addition satisfies your spirit.
Patties Recipe
300 gm turnip
2 egg
1 cup universally handy flour
salt as required
2 tablespoon spring onions
200 gm potato
1 onion
2 cup refined oil
dark pepper as required
Stage 1
Regardless this nibble formula, take out a hacking board and dice potato, turnip and cleave the onions finely on it. Place a profound lined skillet, put the diced potato and turnip alongside enough water as to lower them for around 15 minutes or possibly until they are delicate. Once done, take out and deplete the water.
Stage 2
Move the bubbled turnip and potatoes in a bowl and pound them further with the assistance of a fork. Presently, add onions, eggs, flour, salt and dark pepper powder in it. Blend the fixings completely. Make this as a batter and take little divides from it and level them out looking like a round patties.
Stage 3
Presently, place a profound lined skillet over medium fire and hotness refined oil in it. When it is adequately hot, individually, add patties to it. Broil them until they become brilliant brown in variety. Move them onto a plate fixed with spongy paper to absorb the oil. Embellish with the hacked spring onions. Serve hot alongside any plunge of your decision!