Spicy noodles sandwich recipe

Spicy noodles sandwich recipe. Spicy noodles sandwich Make it on extraordinary events like social gathering, kitty party or potluck. The alluring kinds of this combination formula makes it an astonishing early lunch snare and will dazzle every one of your visitors. Thus, make a gander at the strides beneath and we should get cooking!
Spicy noodles sandwich
1 cup bubbled new noodles
4 tablespoon spread
1 huge cleaved onion
4 pieces finely slashed green bean stew
2 tablespoon finely slashed capsicum ( green pepper)
4 tablespoon ground cheddar goat cheddar
10 bread cuts
2 medium slashed tomato
1 inch finely slashed ginger
2 tablespoon ground carrot
4 tablespoon ketchup
salt as required

Stage 1 Saute the veggies
Take a skillet and put it on medium fire. Add margarine to it. Following 30 seconds, add the slashed onions, tomato, ginger, green chillies, carrot, capsicum and salt.
Stage 2 Add noodles
Mix well and add the noodles. Likewise, add ketchup and blend a little. Eliminate the dish from the fire.
Stage 3 Spread the combination on bread
Apply 3 tbsp of the combination on a bread cut and spread uniformly.
Stage 4 Add cheddar
Sprinkle a few ground cheddar and cover with another bread cut.
Stage 5 Ready to be served
Fill in as a nibble with your cherished chutney or tea.
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