Paneer Pineapple Sandwich Recipe

Paneer Pineapple Sandwich Recipe

Paneer Pineapple Sandwich Recipe. Give a tropical curve to your exhausting breakfast by making this heavenly Paneer Pineapple Sandwich. This is a simple to-make breakfast formula which would be savored by individuals of all age gatherings. Ready with paneer, pineapple, multi-grain bread, margarine, salt and pepper, this mouth watering Continental formula would without a doubt tempt your taste buds.

Made inside only 20 minutes, this alluring sandwich formula can be stuffed for lunch boxes or enjoyed as a light meal in the middle of your bustling work life. In the event that you are a wellbeing cognizant individual, this low-carb nibble formula is the ideal thing for you. So stand by no more and begin setting up this astonishing sandwich formula for your friends and family!

Paneer Pineapple Sandwich Recipe

Elements for making Paneer Pineapple Sandwich Recipe

4 cuts multi-grain bread
2 tablespoon cleaved pineapple
dark pepper as required
2 tablespoon ground paneer
salt as required

Paneer Pineapple Sandwich Recipe

Instructions to make Paneer Pineapple Sandwich Recipe

Stage 1
To make this scrumptious sandwich formula, begin by washing and stripping the pineapple. Then, at that point, place the pineapple over the slashing board and hack it. Keep the hacked pineapple to the side. Presently, grind paneer in a bowl and keep it to the side.

Stage 2
Consolidate pineapple and paneer in an enormous bowl. Season the blend with salt and paper and afterward blend everything pleasantly.

Stage 3
Then, take a cut of bread and spread the paneer-pineapple stuffing liberally over it. Utilize one more cut of bread to close the sandwich.

Stage 4
Place the sandwich in a toaster oven and permit it to completely cook.

Stage 5
Put the cooked sandwich on a serving plate, cut it askew and serve hot!

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