Paneer Methi Tikki Recipe

Paneer Methi Tikki Recipe

Paneer Methi Tikki Recipe. Methi Tikki is an Indian nibble formula made utilizing paneer, potatoes and maida. This Indian formula is great for events like kitty gatherings and commemorations. Methi Tikki, is a simple to cook and a speedy tidbit formula.

Paneer Methi Tikki Recipe

Methi Tikki

500 gm squashed paneer
1/2 cup universally handy flour
3 finely cleaved green bean stew
1 teaspoon garam masala powder
1 teaspoon Red stew powder
1 1/2 cup Refined oil
3 potato
1 pack finely cleaved fenugreek leaves ( methi)

Stage 1
Heat up the pototoes. Strip and squash well.

Stage 2
Consolidate the paneer, potatoes, 3 tblsp maida, coriander leaves, fenugreek leaves, green chilies, garam masala powder, lemon juice, red bean stew powder and salt in a bowl. Blend well.

Stage 3
Add water to the leftover maida and blend to a slight player. Make little wads of the combination and shape them into tikkis of wanted shapes.

Stage 4
Heat oil in a skillet. Dunk the tikkis in the player and roll them in the powdered rusk. Sear them until brilliant brown.

Stage 5
Eliminate and deplete abundance oil. Present with ketchup or mint chutney.

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