Matar Nimona Recipe

Matar Nimona Recipe

Matar Nimona Recipe. Matar Nimona is a delightful North Indian formula which will be an incredible treat for individuals, all things considered. This fundamental dish formula is an exemplary winter dish in North Indian family and is additionally goes by the name Matar ki Dal. This appetizing formula will be ideal for exceptional events like commemorations, snacks and suppers.

This simple to-make formula will be an ideal pot karma formula also and will leave every one of your visitors needing more. Matar Nimona is a sound formula which is wealthy in dietary filaments.

Matar Nimona Recipe

So presently you would have the option to give your taste buds some lip smacking flavors stacked with fundamental supplements. This formula will be a victor on the off chance that you pair it with some steaming hot rice and pickle. Partake in this wonderful formula with your loved ones on a comfortable winter night matched with vast discussions.

Fixings required for making Matar Nimona Recipe

1 cup peas
2 teaspoon refined oil
3 green stew
1 squeeze asafoetida
1 teaspoon coriander powder

1/4 teaspoon garam masala powder
1 tablespoon coriander leaves
2 potato
4 tomato

1 ginger
1 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon red stew powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Matar Nimona Recipe

Instructions to make Matar Nimona Recipe

Stage 1 Wash and slash every one of the vegetables
To set up this lip-smacking dish, first, strip and wash green peas and furthermore strip the potatoes, wash and cut them into little pieces. Then, wash the tomatoes and cut it into large parts and in the mean time cut off the stems of the green chillies then, at that point, wash them. Likewise, strip and wash ginger. Cut the ginger into little pieces.

Stage 2 Prepare peas glue and tomatoes glue
Presently, make a coarse glue of the peas and keep in a bowl. Then, at that point, grind the tomatoes and green chillies to a fine glue.

Stage 3 Fry potatoes and saute flavors
Then, heat oil in a griddle. Then, at that point, put in the bits of potato and broil them until they become brown. Keep these potato pieces to the side. Presently utilize the extra oil in the dish and add asafetida and cumin in the container. After cumin is simmered, add coriander powder, ground ginger, tomato-stew glue and sear till flavors appear to be granular.

Stage 4 Add broiled potatoes and pea glue
When the flavors are broiled placed in the pea glue in the skillet and sautéed food it for 3-4 minutes with a spoon. Presently add the broiled potatoes and water to the container as indicated by how thick or slender you believe that the Nimona should be. Then add red chillies and salt to the blend and cook for 10 minutes.

Stage 5 Serve hot
Finally switch off the gas and blend in some garam masala to the curry. Move in a dish and serve hot!

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