Korean chinese jajangmyeon Recipe

Korean chinese jajangmyeon Recipe

Korean chinese jajangmyeon Recipe. Jjajangmyeon (Noodles with Black Bean Sauce) is one more well known Korean-Chinese noodle dish. jajangmyeon, hot and appetizing dish is a delightful blend of thick and chewy noodles with the suggestive kinds of zesty Black Bean Sauce.

Korean chinese jajangmyeon Recipe


500 gm chinese noodles
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1/2 tablespoon sugar
2 medium diced,peeled potato
1/2 medium diced zucchini
1 cup diced pork
1 cup squashed to glue dark beans
1 tablespoon sesame oil
3 cup water
1 diced,peeled carrot

Stage 1
jajangmyeon, Regardless, heat oil in an enormous dish and put pork in it. Saute pork till it becomes brilliant brown and delicate. Then, at that point, add potatoes and blend it well with pork. Allow it to stew it for 3-4 minutes on a medium fire.

Stage 2
In the interim, cleave onions and zucchini in a different bowl and add the finely hacked fixings in the pork-potato blend. Blend them well and saute for an additional 3 minutes. Mix periodically.

Stage 3
Then, pour in sesame oil in the skillet and add dark bean glue with garlic in the container. Blend the combination well to consolidate the fixings well with one another. Add 1/2 tbsp sugar and mix it well to consolidate.

Stage 4
Allow it to stew for an additional 5 minutes on a medium fire. Mix infrequently. Pour 2 cups of water in the dish and add hacked carrots. Heat the sauce to the point of boiling on a medium fire.

Stage 5
In the mean time, add corn starch in the excess water and blend it until the glue thicken. Presently add the thick glue to the sauce. Blend it well. Cook the sauce for next 15 minutes. Mix incidentally to actually look at the delicacy of vegetables.

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