Kerala Vegetable Stew Recipe

Kerala Vegetable Stew Recipe

Kerala Vegetable Stew Recipe. Kerala Vegetable Stew is a flavorful and famous South Indian formula which is ready with cauliflower, carrots, narrows departs, curry leaves and coconut milk. This soup formula is exceptionally simple to-make and doesn’t consume a lot of your time or endeavors. This lip-smacking vegetable formula is extremely solid and everybody can appreciate it! It is an ideal groundwork for serving throughout the colder time of year season as it keeps the body warm and gives fundamental supplements.

Kerala Vegetable Stew Recipe

Elements of Kerala Vegetable Stew

6 Servings
3 cup coconut milk
2 medium carrot
2 bubbled potato
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 modest bunch curry leaves
2 teaspoon dark pepper

1 cauliflower
1 teaspoon garlic glue
2 narrows leaf
1 inch cinnamon stick
2 onion
6 bean

1/2 cup bubbled peas
6 green bean stew
salt as required
1/4 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon ginger glue
2 tablespoon coconut oil
2 star anise
1 squeeze garam masala powder

Kerala Vegetable Stew Recipe

Step by step instructions to make Kerala Vegetable Stew

Stage 1
Take a non-stick container and intensity it over medium fire. Add coconut and vegetable oil in it. Whenever the oil is adequately hot, add sound leaves, star anise, mustard seeds and cinnamon stick. Mix to blend the fixings well.

Stage 2
Take a cleaving load up and slash every one of the vegetables into little blocks, independently. Add hacked onion, garlic glue, green chillies, ginger glue and curry passes on to the dish. Pan sear over medium fire until onions turn reflexive and clear. Add cleaved carrots, potatoes, beans, peas and cauliflower. Blend well.

Stage 3
Continue to mix infrequently and pour coconut milk. Allow it to bubble and afterward, decrease the fire and stew for 5 minutes. Sprinkle salt, dark pepper and garam masala in it. Serve hot!

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