How To Prepared Besan Chakli Recipe

How To Prepared Besan Chakli Recipe

How To Prepared Besan Chakli Recipe

Aside from Theplas, Dhoklas, Khandvis, ‘Prepared Besan Chakli’ is one of the most famous Gujarati nibble plans. This simple to-make formula is made with basic fixings, for example, gram flour, sesame seeds, wholemeal flour, yogurt, and a melange of flavors which are effectively accessible in your kitchen.

Match this delicious formula with a hot pipping cup of tea and vast prattles with your loved ones. This baking formula will be a sound nibble for individuals with elevated cholesterol.

Besan Chakli

How To Prepared Besan Chakli Recipe

You might in fact pack the chakli alongside you on excursions and picnics or store them in impermeable compartments to appreciate them at whatever point you need.

Elements of Baked Besan Chakli

2 cup gram flour (besan)
1/2 teaspoon asafoetida
1 teaspoon stew powder

1/2 teaspoon turmeric
salt as required
4 teaspoon sesame seeds

1/2 cup wholemeal flour
4 teaspoon yogurt (curd)
4 tablespoon refined oil

The most effective method to make Baked Besan Chakli

Stage 1

Preheat the stove at 180 centigrade. Bring a bowl and integrate every one of the fixings in it. Pour sufficient water and massage a delicate batter out of the blend.

Stage 2

Oil a baking plate with non-stick cooking shower. Put the batter into the chakli press and close it and move the press into a twirl movement over the baking plate.

Stage 3

Make chaklis and place the baking plate in the stove. Prepare for 35 minutes until the chaklis are crunchy and brilliant. Once the chaklis are prepared, move them on a plate. Keep to the side permitting it to cool.

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