How To Make Thai Cucumber Salad

How To Make Thai Cucumber Salad

How To Make Thai Cucumber Salad


3 enormous cucumbers, stripped, divided longwise, cultivated, and cut into 1/4-inch cuts
1 tablespoon salt
½ cup white sugar
½ cup rice wine vinegar
2 jalapeno peppers, cultivated and slashed
¼ cup slashed cilantro
½ cup slashed peanuts

Thai Cucumber Salad

How To Make Thai Cucumber Salad


Stage 1

Throw the cucumbers with the salt in a colander, and pass on in the sink to deplete for 30 minutes. Flush with cold water, then channel and wipe off with paper towels.

Stage 2

Whisk together the sugar and vinegar in a blending bowl until the sugar has disintegrated.

Add the cucumbers, jalapeno peppers, and cilantro; throw to consolidate.

Sprinkle hacked peanuts on top prior to serving.

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