How To Make Shaksua

How To Make Shaksua

How To Make Shaksua

Whenever you are worn out on the standard, worn out omelets and fried eggs, evaluate this new dish that will turn into a moment number one. With the heavenly tomatoes and flavors finished off with just right eggs, this recipe will astonish you with an eruption of flavors that you wouldn’t anticipate. How To Make Shaksua.


How To Make Shaksua

With a variety of flavors including cayenne pepper, ocean salt, cumin powder, and the preferences, this Middle Eastern dish will provide you with the flavor of credibility. Eggs are the best breakfast food, and that’s what everybody knows, so blend it in with tomatoes to get serious about the morning sustenance.

These significant fixings mix together to treat you and your family with a mouth-watering supper. Other than breakfast, you can likewise serve this for lunch and supper, or during kitty gatherings, smorgasbords, and potluck. How To Make Shaksua.

How To Make Shaksua

Tomatoes are an extraordinary wellspring of fiber as well as nutrients and minerals. They are perfect for your heart, skin, and pulse. With so many medical advantages and such extraordinary taste, you bamboozle the two universes with this dish.

How To Make Shaksua

Along these lines, take out your tomatoes and eggs, and follow us through this simple recipe to set up this delicious breakfast in a matter of seconds.

Assuming that you partake in this dish, you could likewise like our different recipes for Scotch Eggs, Eggs Florentine, Eggs Cups, or Egg Pulao.

Elements of Shaksua

2 Servings
3 gm egg
200 ml tomato puree
2 tablespoon virgin olive oil
ocean salt as required
1 red ringer pepper
1 scramble cayenne pepper
1 medium onion
1/2 modest bunch parsley
1 1/2 cloves garlic
1/4 teaspoon dark pepper
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
200 gm squashed tomato

Instructions to make Shaksua

Stage 1

To set up this scrumptious treat, begin by taking the onions, parsley, garlic cloves, red chime pepper, and wash them under running water.

Utilizing a clean slashing board, cleave them up independently and keep to the side.

Stage 2

Presently, take a weighty lined container over medium fire and intensity oil in it.

At the point when the oil is adequately hot, add the slashed onion and saute them for two minutes or until they turn clear.

Then, add the red chime peppers and garlic, and saute again till it becomes brilliant brown.

Stage 3

Then, pour the tomato puree and season it with ocean salt. Continue to mix and cook 2-3 minutes.

Add the squashed tomatoes alongside every one of the flavors and cook for another 3-5 minutes.

At the point when the blend is adequately thick, turn the fire to low and air out the eggs on top of it. (Try not to break the yolk)

Stage 4

Then, cpver the skillet with a cover and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Open the top to check assuming that the eggs look done, in the event that not, cook for one more little while. When done, embellish it with parsley and match it with bread.

Partake in the delightful supper!

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