How To Make Rich Raisin Cookies

How To Make Rich Raisin Cookies

How To Make Rich Raisin Cookies

Rich Raisin Cookies is perhaps the most ideal way to mitigate your odd cravings for food and enjoyment your taste buds with a delicious treat recipe.

This simple to-make recipe is simplified utilizing fixings which are effectively accessible at home like raisins, powdered sugar, salt, almonds, vanilla embodiment, milk, margarine and regular baking flour.

Rich Raisin Cookies

How To Make Rich Raisin Cookies

You can match these treats with your favorite, espresso or hot cocoa and indulge yourself a firm treat. You could actually pack these treats and take them alongside you on picnics and excursions.

Do attempt this astonishing recipe and remember to impart it to your friends and family to enjoy the luscious flavors.

Elements of Buttery Raisin Cookies

1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla embodiment

4 teaspoon milk
1 squeeze salt

2 tablespoon almonds
1/2 cup spread
1 cup regular flour

The most effective method to make Buttery Raisin Cookies

Stage 1

Cautiously utilizing a slashing board, hack the almonds and raisins independently and keep them to the side until required once more.

Stage 2

In a blending bowl, add spread followed by sugar. Blend well.

To this margarine sugar blend add the regular baking flour followed by salt, vanilla embodiment, raisin, slashed almonds and salt.

Massage the combination into a smooth mixture with the assistance of milk.

Stage 3

Partition the treat mixture into little balls and keep them on a baking plate.

Smooth the treats into thick circles. Keep the treats at a fair distance that will permit them to rise and grow.

Stage 4

Preheat your broiler to 180 degree Celsius and prepare the treats for 15 minutes or until get become firm in surface. Serve!

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