How To Make Nut Cookie

How To Make Nut Cookie

How To Make Nut Cookie


1 cup unsalted margarine

1 cup crunchy peanut butter

1 cup white sugar

How To Make Nut Cookie

1 cup pressed earthy colored sugar

2 enormous eggs

2 ½ cups regular baking flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

How To Make Nut Cookie

½ teaspoon salt

1 ½ teaspoons baking pop


Nut Cookie

How To Make Nut Cookie

Stage 1

Cream margarine, peanut butter, and sugars together in a bowl; beat in eggs.

Stage 2

In a different bowl, filter flour, baking powder, baking pop, and salt; mix into margarine blend. Put mixture in cooler for 60 minutes.

How To Make Nut Cookie

Stage 3

Fold batter into 1 inch balls and put on baking sheets. Level each ball with a fork, making a confound design. Heat in a preheated 375 degrees F broiler for around 10 minutes or until treats start to brown.

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