How To Make A Dhania Pomfret Tandoori

How To Make A Dhania Pomfret Tandoori

How To Make A Dhania Pomfret Tandoori

Fish meat is viewed as the best, as it is a rich wellspring of Omega 3 unsaturated fats, which the human body can’t create all alone.

Dhania Pomfret Tandoori

How To Make A Dhania Pomfret Tandoori

Dhania Pomfret Tandoori is a simple fish recipe that you can plan at home for your precious ones. This North Indian recipe is genuinely a joy for the fish darlings.

Elements of Dhania Pomfret Tandoori

4 washed and dried silver pomfret fish
For Marination
200 gm hacked coriander leaves
1 tablespoon cut into strips ginger
6 cloves squashed garlic
2 cup hung curd
1 tablespoon squashed dark pepper
1 gm dark salt
1 tablespoon ginger glue
2 teaspoon red bean stew powder
4 cleaved green stew
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon lime juice
2 tablespoon coriander powder
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon garlic glue
For The Main Dish
4 tablespoon refined oil

Instructions to make Dhania Pomfret Tandoori

Stage 1

To make this fish recipe, clean the prompet fish (each fish ought to be around 300-350 grams), wash completely and wipe off. Make light entry points in the tissue on the two sides at 1 inch spans.

Stage 2

Join hacked coriander leaves, green chillies, ginger strips, salt, squashed garlic alongside lime juice.

Combine them generally as one to make the initial marination and rub into fish and put away for around 60 minutes.

Stage 3

Then, at that point, consolidate the excess elements for second marinade. Presently, rub into fish and put away for around 2 hours.

Stage 4

Fix fish onto sticks, 1 inch separated, and cook in a preheated oven, normal stove or barbecue for around 8 minutes at first, and 2-3 minutes in the wake of depleting and treating with oil.

Stage 5

Slip fish off sticks and serve hot with mint chutney.

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Digi Skynet

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