Healthy Poha Recipe

Healthy Poha Recipe

Healthy Poha Recipe. Poha Recipe, formula is ideally suited for you! Made with the decency of new veggies, puffed rice, gentle flavors and spices, Poha Recipe, makes for a low on fat joy, which you can likewise incorporate as a piece of your weight reduction diet.

Healthy Poha Recipe

Poha Recipe

2 cup earthy colored rice poha
1 medium tomato
5 green stew
2 tablespoon ghee
1 small bunch curry leaves
1 teaspoon coriander powder
dark pepper as required
2 medium onion
1 medium potato

Stage 1 Wash and hack veggies
In the first place, wash the veggies, hack them and keep them to the side. Meanwhile, take a poha on a sifter and clean it with some water or, more than likely splash it for 5 minutes, channel the water and keep it to the side.

Stage 2 Cook the veggies
Then, take a dish over medium fire and include some ghee. When the ghee liquefies, immediately fry the peanuts and move them to a bowl. Then, to a similar dish, add cumin seeds alongside ginger and garlic slashed, mix briefly.

Stage 3 Serve hot and appreciate
Next include every one of the veggies and season them with salt, pepper, red stew powder, turmeric powder, cooked cumin powder and coriander powder. Sprinkle a few water and cook the veggies with flavors. When the veggies are cooked, add in the poha and sprinkle some water.

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