Fish With Potatoes Recipe

Fish With Potatoes Recipe

Fish With Potatoes Recipe. Fish With Potatoes is a delectable fish formula that will make an extraordinary fundamental dish formula for yourself as well as your loved ones. This simple to-make formula will be adored by somebody who is a fish fan. Fish is stacked with sound Omega 3 unsaturated fats and potatoes are plentiful in Vitamin B6, this wonderful formula is henceforth the most effective way to benefit the decency of potatoes and salmon.

Fish With Potatoes Recipe

Serve this yummy formula with romalli roti or tava roti and stay into the universe of enticing flavors with your friends and family. Serve this dish on exceptional events like pot fates, game evenings and kitty parties.

Fixings required for making Tuna Fish With Potatoes Recipe

200 gm canned fish
2 squeezes Italian flavoring
4 tablespoon tomato puree
1/2 tablespoon refined oil
250 gm potato
1/2 cup cheddar
2 squeezes bean stew pieces

Fish With Potatoes Recipe

Instructions to make Tuna Fish With Potatoes Recipe

Stage 1
Wash and clean the potatoes, then cleave them into block shapes. Keep to the side until required once more.

Stage 2
Take a non-stick skillet and keep it on medium fire. Heat refined oil in it and add the cubed potatoes in it. When done sear the potatoes until they turn firm. Keep to the side.

Stage 3
In the mean time preheat your broiler at 200 degree Celsius. Brush oil in a broiler baking plate and add the tomato puree in the plate to get an even layer followed by the seared potatoes, fish, Italian flavoring, stew chips.

Stage 4
Painstakingly spread a liberal measure of ground cheddar on the pre-arranged combination . Go ahead and utilize fat free cheddar as a substitute. Make one layer more with a similar cycle.

Stage 5
Heat in the stove for 25 minutes or until the cheddar liquefies. Permit the combination to chill off and afterward serve!

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