Chicken Pesto Burger Recipe

Chicken Pesto Burger Recipe

Chicken Pesto Burger Recipe. Burger Recipe, is a heavenly nibble formula which would be adored by kids. Burger buns loaded up with chicken mozzarella cheddar, lettuce and red peppers, this chicken formula is great for picnics and travels

Chicken Pesto Burger Recipe

Burger Recipe

500 gm chicken
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 cuts mozzarella
4 leaves lettuce free leaf
4 modest bunch burger buns
1/2 teaspoon dark pepper
1/2 cup pesto sauce
1/2 cup simmered red peppers

Chicken Pesto Burger Recipe

Stage 1
Pound the chicken, season with salt and pepper and shape it into adjusts. Sear them in hot oil until each side cooks all around well.

Chicken Pesto Burger Recipe

Stage 2
Take a bun add the burger to it, alongside a leaf, the cheddar. Spread some pesto onto it.

Stage 3
Add it to the hot skillet and stew briefly until the meat is warmed and the cheddar gets softened.

Stage 4
Serve alongside french fries and chips.

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