Chicken Balls Recipe

Chicken Balls Recipe

Chicken Balls Recipe. Chicken Balls recipe makes for a perfect delectable starter recipe. Prepared with the goodness of chicken, cheese, onion and biscuit mix, it is an interesting appetizer recipe that you can make for your loved ones on special occasions and woo them with your culinary skills. Chicken Balls mouth-watering chicken recipe has small pieces of chicken mixed with Monterey Jack cheese, which makes for a perfect treat for taste buds.

Chicken Balls

500 gm chicken
400 gm monterey jack cheese
1 1/2 teaspoon garlic
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 medium onion
1 teaspoon chilli flakes
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 1/2 teaspoon baking powder.

Chicken Balls Recipe

Step 1 Clean the chicken
To prepare this delicious non-vegetarian appetizer, wash the chicken well under cold running water and keep it aside in a large bowl. On the other hand, preheat the oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit.

Step 2 Mince the meat
Now, place the onion on a chopping board and chop well. Then take the cheese and shred it completely and grind the chicken. Keep cheese and chicken in separate bowls. Next, take the garlic and mince it completely.

Step 3 Prepare the biscuit mix
Now prepare the biscuit mix. For that whisk together flour, baking powder and salt well. Add in the melted butter and mix well.

Step 4 Heat oil
Take a saucepan and heat oil in it over medium flame. Add the chopped onion to it and fry until transparent in colour. Now, take a big bowl and mix fried onions, ground chicken, biscuit mix, shredded cheese, minced garlic and chilli flakes together.

Step 5 Time to bake the chicken balls
Wash your hands and pat them dry. Take a small quantity of this mixture and shape them into small balls of 1-inch. Now, take a baking pan and place these balls in it, and put the baking pan in the preheated oven. Bake these chicken balls until they turn brown in colour. Enjoy! PS: If you do not have Monterey Jack cheese, you can use mozzarella cheese or cheese cubes instead.

Step 6 Serve and enjoy
Serve hot with your choice of dip. Make sure you try this recipe, rate it and let us know how you turned out to be.

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Digi Skynet

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