Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese Recipe

Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese Recipe

Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese Recipe

Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese is a Continental recipe that is unquestionably going to turn into a family number one. This simple recipe can be relished for breakfast as well concerning early lunch alongside a glass of juice to make it a total dinner.

You can set up this egg recipe effectively at home utilizing a modest bunch of fixings like mushrooms, eggs, Parmesan cheddar, garlic and dark pepper.

Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese

Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese Recipe

You can set up this mouth-watering delight on events like kitty parties, family social gatherings and game evenings and we bet that everybody will get bulldozed in the principal chomp itself. Set up this tasty delicacy for you companions and get every one of the commendations for your astounding cooking abilities.

Thus, evaluate this lip-smacking delight with your friends and family and give an invigorating beginning to your day!

Elements of Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese

4 egg
4 tablespoon virgin olive oil
salt as required
2 cloves squashed garlic
200 gm mushroom
1 cup parmesan cheddar
powdered dark pepper as required
1/2 teaspoon thyme
For Garnishing
1 tablespoon parsley
2 cherry

The most effective method to make Baked Eggs with Mushroom and Cheese

Stage 1

To make this morning meal recipe, take the mushrooms in a bowl and wash them under running water. Wipe off them. Cut the mushrooms utilizing a slashing board. In the mean time, preheat the stove at 180 degrees Celsius.

Stage 2

Presently, put a dish over medium fire and add two tablespoon virgin olive oil in it. When the oil is adequately hot, add the cut mushrooms and sprinkle with salt alongside dark pepper powder according as you would prefer. Saute the mushrooms for 8-10 minutes or until the mushrooms are delicate. Then, add the squashed garlic alongside thyme and cook for 2 minutes, continue to mix continually. Once finished, move the mushrooms in a baking dish.

Stage 3

Presently, air out 4 eggs over the mushrooms and sprinkle the Parmesan cheddar on the top. Place the baking dish in the preheated stove and heat until the cheddar is liquefied. Ensure the egg whites are set while the yolks are runny. Once finished, take it out from the broiler and embellishment with cleaved parsley alongside cherries. Serve it hot with toasted bread cuts to appreciate!

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