Veggie twist Oats Palak Paneer Recipe

Veggie twist Oats Palak Paneer Recipe

Paneer Recipe

3/4 cup paneer
1 cup splashed oats
1 piece finely hacked ginger
1 teaspoon finely hacked green stew
1/2 cup diced, blanched carrot
2 tablespoon Refined oil
2 1/4 cup hacked spinach
3/4 cup fenugreek leaves ( methi)
1/2 hacked onion
1/2 cup whitened child corn

Veggie twist Oats Palak Paneer Recipe

Stage 1
Paneer Recipe, In a profound dish, cook the spinach and fenugreek alongside water and cook on a sluggish fire until delicate.

Veggie twist Oats Palak Paneer Recipe

Stage 2
When cooked, empty out the water and mix the leaves alongside masala oats veggie. Wind in a blender to a smooth puree.

Stage 3
Heat oil in non-stick dish, add onions, carrot, child corn, green peas and sauté on a medium fire for 1 moment.

Stage 4
Add green chillies and ginger and saute again for a couple of moments.

Stage 5
Add pureed leaves, paneer and salt, blend well and cook on a medium fire for 2 to 3 minutes. Serve hot.

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Digi Skynet

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