Taky Rice Recipe

Taky Rice Recipe

Tacky Rice Recipe. Tacky Rice or “Bora Saul” is one of the staple fixings in Assamese luxuries like pitha and much more. Rice pudding or “Payokh” is served in each Assamese family during celebrations or gatherings, as a treat. Tacky Rice pudding, notwithstanding, is the joining of two most loved dish of Assam into one single dish. The tenacity of the rice, mixed with the richness of milk and the pleasantness of jaggery. Match this dish with puri or serve this with dessert, you will completely partake in this heavenly dish.

Taky Rice Recipe

Elements of Taky Rice

4 Servings
25 gm rice
1 1/2 tablespoon ghee
2 green cardamom
50 gm jaggery

1 liter milk
1 sound leaf
1 tablespoon sugar

Taky Rice Recipe

Instructions to make Taky rice

Stage 1
The initial step is to set up the rice. Douse the tacky rice for 60 minutes, then wash and channel appropriately. Spread it on a plate so the overabundance water dries out.

Stage 2
Presently, put a skillet over medium fire and add the ghee to it. To this, add the sugar and allow it to caramelize. Then, at that point, add the cove leaf, cardamom and the tacky rice that has been mellowed and dried. Continue to mix it over medium intensity, until the rice changes tone.

Stage 3
To this, add the milk and continue to mix it. Bring down the fire to low intensity and let the rice cook with the milk, until the milk diminishes to close to half.

Stage 4
When the pudding thickens, add the jaggery to it and continue to mix it. At the point when the rice grains are delicate and the milk has dried out in some amount, eliminate the pudding from fire.

Stage 5
Prior to serving, sprinkle a little nutmeg powder over the pudding.

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