Sweet Pongal Poha Recipe

Sweet Pongal Poha Recipe

Sweet Pongal Poha Recipe. Sweet Poha is a heavenly breakfast formula that is added with jaggery, aval or squeezed rice, ground coconut or cardamom powder that can be an outright pleasure your taste buds this merry season.

Sweet Pongal Poha

Sweet Pongal Poha Recipe

Pongal Poha can set up this formula on celebrations and unique events. You will be shocked to know that this dessert formula requires no master cooking abilities.

Thus, feel free to evaluate this formula today and do impart your experience to your precious ones.

How to make Sweet Poha

Stage 1

To set up this heavenly sweet formula, take a profound lined skillet and set it up on medium fire.

Right away, add water in it alongside jaggery powder and let it disintegrate totally. Let the pollutions from the jaggery settle down.

Stage 2

Following a couple of moments, carry the skillet to bubble to thicken the blend. When the blend starts to thicken, switch off the fire. Permit the blend to chill off.

Stage 3

Then, at that point, add ghee, cardamom powder, squeezed rice or poha and ground coconut to the blend. Blend every one of the fixings well overall.

Sweet Pongal Poha Recipe

Stage 4

At last, take another dish and begin singing the cashews alongside ghee. When the ideal tone is gotten, add the pre-arranged combination to the container.

Once coked, serve Sweet Poha warm with affection.

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