Sweet and Garlic Rice Recipe

Sweet and Garlic Rice Recipe

Sweet and Garlic Rice Recipe. Garlic rice is a simple to-create mainland recipe that you can appreciate at any event.

Sweet and Garlic Rice

Sweet and Garlic Rice Recipe

This fundamental dish recipe is ready with garlic, green chillies and almond .Rice is a rich wellspring of supplements.

It helps in managing circulatory strain and sugar level.

It is an incredibly delectable rice recipe that you can likewise pack for your children in tiffin.

Attempt this simple recipe and appreciate with your loved ones.

How to make Garlic Rice

Stage 1

To get ready garlic rice, heat a kadahi on a medium fire and add ghee to it.

Then, at that point, add garlic and chillies and saute well.

Stage 2

When the garlic becomes brilliant brown, add cashew, almond and meal it briefly.

Keep it on a medium fire.

Sweet and Garlic Rice Recipe

Stage 3

Presently add the bubbled rice and sprinkle salt and pepper and mix completely. (You could decorate it with coriander leaves)

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Digi Skynet

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