Sizzling egg salad recipe

Sizzling egg salad recipe

Sizzling egg salad recipe
Sizzling egg salad recipe. Egg is a significant wellspring of nourishment and when utilized in salad it is more helpful. Attempt this speedy serving of mixed greens formula made with eggs, onions and tomatoes.

Sizzling egg salad:

3 egg
1/4 cup cut lettuce free leaf
1 medium cut onion
1 squeeze dark pepper
2 tablespoon liquefied margarine
1/2 cut tomato
1 squeeze salt

Sizzling egg salad recipe

Stage 1
For making this simple plate of mixed greens formula, take a bowl, prepare the serving of mixed greens, tomato and onion with salt and pepper. Keep to the side.

Stage 2
Heat a skillet on medium fire and add margarine and eggs. Bring down the fire and whisk the eggs with margarine till blended.

Stage 3
The spread will soften next to each other while the egg scramble starts to cement. Continue to race till you get a delicate, soggy yellow egg scramble.

Stage 4
Season with salt and pepper and eliminate from heat. Keep in mind, the eggs ought not start to brown and ought to stay wet.

Stage 5
Serve the egg scramble with salad and toasted bread assuming you like.

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