Nut Peach Oatmeal Recipe

Nut Peach Oatmeal Recipe

Nut Peach Oatmeal Recipe. Pecan peach oats is an exemplary breakfast formula that can be ready in 10 minutes or less.

This dish can be delighted in throughout the late spring storm season since that is the point at which the peaches are accessible on the lookout.

Nut Peach Oatmeal

Nut Peach Oatmeal Recipe

To make this formula, you really want peaches and moved oats alongside nutmeg, cinnamon, earthy colored sugar and water.

To add a little crunchiness to the dish we have included hacked pecans top, be that as it may, you can utilize some other dry natural product or destroyed coconut for embellishing.

How to make Walnut Peach Oatmeal

Stage 1

Take a profound lined dish and pour water alongside salt in it.

Mix in moved oats, nutmeg and cinnamon into the water and mix well.

Nut Peach Oatmeal Recipe

Stage 2

Allow it to cook till the blend thickens a bit.

Presently add hacked peaches and earthy colored sugar (you might increment or abatement the amount as per taste). Allow it to cook briefly.

Decorate with cleaved pecans and serve.

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