Mashli Gashi Recipe

Mashli Gashi Recipe

Mashli Gashi Recipe. Mashli Gashi is an outlandish Goan recipe that will get an explosion of tasteful flavors your mouth. This heavenly recipe is loved by all and will arise as a champ in your family. At the point when you fry the fish with coriander powder, stew powder and garlic you get a heavenly feast ready for you.

Mashli Gashi Recipe

The fragrant flavors blended in the sweet coconut sauce will take you on a flavor ride like none other. Remember to put this astounding recipe on your smorgasbord list. This dish will be an ideal flabbergast your visitors with the colorful kinds of Goa at your kitty party, potlucks and, surprisingly, close family lunch and supper.

This non-veg recipe will be an incredible wellspring of sound proteins and nutrients for your body and will feed your body with fundamental supplements. You can likewise set up this dish to partake in an ideal stay at home Sunday lunch and will be savored by the children and grown-ups of your home the same. Serve this flavorful dish with some lachha paratha and jeera rice and treat your taste buds a dinner that could only be described as epic.

The fiery yet tasty taste of this fish recipe will leave you in a universe of delightfulness and you will encounter joy in each mess with you take. Follow this bit by bit to turn into a commended gourmet specialist according to your friends and family!

Elements of Mashli Gashi

6 Servings
1 kilograms silver pomfret fish
1 cup coconut milk
salt as required
5 cloves garlic
2 teaspoon coriander powder
1 teaspoon red stew powder
2 green stew
3 tablespoon coconut oil

1 1/2 cup water
2 tablespoon tamarind glue
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 medium onion
1 teaspoon ginger
For Garnishing
2 teaspoon coriander leaves

Mashli Gashi Recipe

Step by step instructions to make Mashli Gashi

Stage 1 Prepare the fish
To start setting up this flavorful recipe, wash the fish completely under running water. Then chime of the size of the skin and hold the skin. As per the length of the fish, cut the fish into half. Knead salt on the bits of the fish. Save to the side for 20 to 25 minutes.

Stage 2 Saute onion with ginger and garlic
Presently, take a wide based skillet and intensity some coconut oil in it. When the oil is warmed include slashed onions and saute the combination. Presently to this container add the squashed garlic and ground ginger, saute for something like 30 to 40 seconds.

Stage 3 Add flavors with milk and warm water to set up the sauce
Presently, switch the intensity on low fire and to this combination include coconut milk, salt, turmeric, red bean stew powder and coriander powder. Continue to mix sporadically and trust that the milk will bubble. At the point when the milk begins bubbling, gradually include warm water.

Stage 4 Add the fish pieces with tamarind. Cook and serve hot
At last add tamarind mash with the fish pieces. Cover the container with a top and permit the fish to be cooked for five minutes on low intensity. When done flip the fish to the opposite side and let it cook (with the top of the skillet covered) for an additional 5 minutes. Embellish with coriander leaves and serve hot.

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