Masala Oats Chicken Burger Recipe

Masala Oats Chicken Burger Recipe
Masala Oats Chicken Burger Recipe

Masala Oats

500 gm chicken
1 teaspoon hacked garlic
150 gm cut mushroom
1 hacked carrot
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
4 leaves lettuce free leaf
1 teaspoon oregano
1/2 teaspoon flavor dark pepper
1 hacked onion
1 hacked red peppers

Stage 1
Masala Oats, Preheat a stove on medium hotness and gently oil grind.

Stage 2
Gently splash a saute skillet with cooking.

Stage 3
Saute onion with the garlic first, then the ringer pepper, then the mushrooms, tomatoes and carrots, all to wanted delicacy. Put away and permit all vegetables to totally cool.

Stage 4
In an enormous bowl, consolidate the chicken and vegetables. Add an egg, 1 cup of Masala Oats, bread morsels and flavors to taste. Combine all as one well and structure into 2 to 3 patties.

Stage 5
Barbecue over medium hotness for 6 – 8 minutes for each side, or to wanted doneness. Put the patty on a toasted bun and top it with new prepared beans.

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