How To Make Tofu Pancake

How To Make Tofu Pancake
Pancake is a straightforward and speedy breakfast recipe.
This recipe can be stuffed to school tiffin and can be presented with firm chips as night snacks as well. Attempt it.
Tofu Pancake

Elements of Tofu Pancake
1 cup regular flour
1/2 cup soya milk
1 cup tofu
1 onion
2 teaspoon coriander powder
10 leaves bubbled spinach
2 tablespoon corn flour
4 squeezes salt
4 squeezes dark pepper
4 cloves garlic
2 teaspoon red stew sauce

The most effective method to make Tofu Pancake
Stage 1
Make a smooth combination of flour, corn flour, soy milk and salt.
Stage 2
Make flapjacks of the smooth blend on a dosa tava.
Stage 3
Squash the tofu with a fork and add bubbled spinach leaves, salt, dark pepper and coriander powder.
Stage 4
Sear the onion and garlic in a little kadhai. Add the tofu and broil, till it’s granular.
Stage 5
Presently, put the flapjack on a supper plate, put tofu mixutre on it, add some bean stew sauce and serve.
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