How To Make Potato Pizza Easily

How To Make Potato Pizza Easily

How To Make Potato Pizza Easily

A delectable pizza having pounded potato as a base rather than the conventional bread base. This Italian formula is ready by fixing the Potato base with tomatoes, capsicum, corn, olives and mushrooms. You children will totally cherish this pizza formula and an ideal veggie’s pleasure can be obviously made for Sunday Brunch.

Potato Pizza

How To Make Potato Pizza Easily

Elements of Potato Pizza

2 Servings
250 gm boiled,mashed potato
1 daintily cut capsicum ( green pepper)
1 hacked onion
2 daintily cut mushroom
100 ml tomato puree
1/4 cup bubbled corn
3 green olives
250 gm cubed paneer

The most effective method to make Potato Pizza

Stage 1

To set up this intriguing pizza formula, bubble potatoes in a cooker. At the point when the potatoes are bubbled, strip and crush them. Add salt to taste and combine them as one.

Stage 2

Presently, make little level flapjacks from the bubbled and pureed potatoes. This will make the base for making your number one pizza.

Stage 3

Then, add a touch of salt to the bowl of tomato puree and combine them as one. Subsequent to blending it, spread the tomato puree uniformly on the pizza base and pass on a little to pour over the vegetables.

Stage 4

In the following stage, beautify your pizza with the garnishes. Well put capsicum, corns, onions, olives and daintily cut mushrooms over the puree. Top it up with ground paneer and let the veggies rest briefly.

Stage 5

Put your Pizza for baking in a stove at 400 degree celsius for 15 minutes. Your Potato Pizza is prepared to eat.

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