How To Make Mexican Baked Eggs

How To Make Mexican Baked Eggs

How To Make Mexican Baked Eggs

Attempt this intriguing breakfast recipe made utilizing eggs, dark beans and tomatoes. This is a simple to-make recipe that you can attempt at home for your friends and family in breakfast.

Mexican Baked Eggs

How To Make Mexican Baked Eggs

Attempt this flavorful breakfast recipe which is an optimal dish to launch your day.

Elements of Mexican Baked Eggs

1 egg
1/4 cut red onion
2 tablespoon tomato puree
50 gm dark beans
1/2 teaspoon squashed to glue red stew
2 tablespoon cleaved chives
1/2 pounds paprika
1 scramble powdered dark pepper
1 cubed tomato
1/4 red peppers
100 gm diced tomato
1/2 red stew
1 teaspoon squashed garlic
1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric
1/2 teaspoon ocean salt

The most effective method to make Mexican Baked Eggs

Stage 1

Dice red onion, red capsicum, new tomato and stew. Channel dark beans from the can.

Stage 2

Heat a non-stick skillet, add onion and cook for 1 moment or until relaxed somewhat.

Add bean stew glue, garlic, and blend in the onion. Add red capsicum and let it cook for an extra moment.

Stage 3

Add new tomato and cook for 30 seconds. Pour over the highest point of the blend in the skillet dark beans, canned tomato and tomato glue.

Stage 4

Blend every one of the fixings and add dry spices (turmeric, paprika, new chives, and stew (whenever wanted). Permit it to cook for 30 seconds.

Stage 5

Make 2 openings in the blend to break the eggs into (ensure the yolk doesn’t run).

Stage 6

Permit it to cook for a couple of additional minutes until the egg white is hard and the yolk is to your ideal consistency.

Stage 7

When done eliminate dish from the intensity and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Serve right away.

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