How To Make Chicken Sausage Puffs

How To Make Chicken Sausage Puffs

How To Make Chicken Sausage Puffs


1 (17.3-ounce) bundle frozen puff cake sheets, defrosted
1 (12-ounce) bundle completely cooked chicken hotdog joins, cut around 1/4 inch thick
1 huge egg, daintily beaten
2 tablespoons country Dijon or coarse-grained mustard
½ cup sharp cream

Chicken Sausage Puffs

How To Make Chicken Sausage Puffs


Stage 1

Preheat stove to 400°. Put 1 cake sheet on a daintily floured work surface; roll into 1 (8-x 12-inch) square shape.

Cut baked good into 24 (2-inch) squares. Place 1 wiener cut in focal point of each square, pushing down. Rehash with residual baked good sheet and wiener.

Stage 2

Orchestrate puffs on aluminum foil-lined baking sheets, and brush with egg. Heat 18 to 20 minutes or until baked good is puffed and brilliant.

Stage 3

In the mean time, mix together mustard and sharp cream in a little bowl. Serve cakes warm, with plunging sauce.

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