How To Make Barbecued Cheese Sandwich

How To Make Barbecued Cheese Sandwich

How To Make Barbecued Cheese Sandwich


4 cuts white bread
3 tablespoons spread, partitioned
2 cuts cheddar

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Barbecued Cheese

How To Make Barbecued Cheese Sandwich


Stage 1

Preheat skillet over medium intensity.

Liberally margarine one side of a cut of bread.

Place bread margarine side-down onto skillet base and add 1 cut of cheddar.

Margarine a second cut of bread on one side and put spread side-up on top of sandwich.

Barbecue until gently sautéed and flip over; keep barbecuing until cheddar is liquefied.

Rehash with staying 2 cuts of bread, spread and cut of cheddar.

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