How To Make An Creme Anglaise

How To Make An Creme Anglaise

How To Make An Creme Anglaise


1 cup weighty cream
2 teaspoons vanilla concentrate
4 egg yolks
⅓ cup white sugar

Creme Anglaise

How To Make An Creme Anglaise


Stage 1

In a little, weighty pot, heat cream and vanilla until bubbles structure at edges.

Stage 2

While cream is warming, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until smooth. Gradually pour 1/2 cup of hot milk blend into egg yolks, whisking continually.

How To Make An Creme Anglaise

Slowly add egg yolk blend back to outstanding milk combination, whisking continually. Keep on cooking, blending continually, until the combination covers the rear of a spoon.

How To Make An Creme Anglaise

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