How To Make A Beans And Oats Cutlet

How To Make A Beans And Oats Cutlet

How To Make A Beans And Oats Cutlet

Beans and Oats Cutlet is a simple to-create formula which can be filled in as an evening nibble! These sound cutlets taste best when matched with schezwan sauce and some steaming hot tea.

Beans And Oats Cutlet

How To Make A Beans And Oats Cutlet

Elements of Beans and Oats Cutlet

2 cup dark beans
2 slashed onion
1 teaspoon red bean stew powder

1 teaspoon dark salt
3/4 cup bread morsels
2 squeeze salt

1 modest bunch hacked coriander leaves
1 cup oats
2 slashed tomato

1 teaspoon chaat masala powder
1 tablespoon refined oil
2 tablespoon lemon juice
3 slashed green stew

Step by step instructions to make Beans and Oats Cutlet

Stage 1

Heat up the beans (doused for 4 hours with salt) till delicate. Add oats and cook till water has evaporated.

Stage 2

Heat a little oil in a dish over moderate fire. Sear the onions and tomatoes till they become brilliant brown. Add this to the oats blend alongside disintegrated bread cuts.

Stage 3

Presently add lemon juice, bean stew powder, dark salt, chaat masala, coriander leaves and green chillies.

Blend well until all vegetables are pounded appropriately.

Make little bundles of this blend and shape into wanted cutlet shape.

Stage 4

Roll them in the breadcrumbs and profound fry in hot oil till brilliant brown. Eliminate and deplete the overabundance oil. Serve hot with green chutney, schezwan sauce or ketchup.

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