How To Make A Banana Cake

How To Make A Banana Cake

How To Make A Banana Cake


2 ½ cups regular baking flour
1 tablespoon baking pop
1 squeeze salt
1 cup white sugar
¾ cup light earthy colored sugar
½ cup unsalted margarine, mellowed
2 eggs
4 ready bananas, pounded
⅔ cup buttermilk
½ cup cleaved pecans

Banana Cake

How To Make A Banana Cake


Stage 1

Preheat the broiler to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Oil and flour two 8-inch round container.

Stage 2

Whisk together flour, baking pop, and salt in a little bowl; put away.

How To Make A Banana Cake

Stage 3

Cream white sugar, earthy colored sugar, and margarine in an enormous bowl until light and feathery. Beat in eggs, each in turn.

Blend in squashed bananas. Add flour combination then again with buttermilk, blending great after every option. Mix in cleaved pecans. Empty player into the pre-arranged dish.

How To Make A Banana Cake

Stage 4

Prepare in the preheated stove until cake springs back when tenderly squeezed, around 30 minutes.

Stage 5

Eliminate cake layers from the broiler and put them on a sodden tea towel to cool.

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