Heated Chocolate Yogurt Recipe

Heated Chocolate Yogurt Recipe
Heated Chocolate Yogurt Recipe

Heated Chocolate Yogurt Recipe. Elements of Baked Chocolate Yogurt

2 Servings
150 gm yogurt (curd)
100 gm new cream
1/4 tablespoon chipped almonds
1/2 cup dim chocolate
100 gm dense milk
3 tablespoon chocolate chips

Heated Chocolate Yogurt Recipe

Instructions to make Baked Chocolate Yogurt

Stage 1 Melt Chocolate
In any case this simple recipe, preheat the broiler at 180°C. Then, take a glass bowl and add ¼ cup of chocolate solid shapes and liquefy it in a broiler or microwave.

Stage 2 Mix every one of the fixings
Then, take an enormous bowl and add Greek yogurt( curd), dissolved chocolate, dense milk and new cream.

Stage 3 Serve chilled
Whisk this combination well, pour the blend in silicon shape and topping them for certain nuts, choco chips and heat them for 10-12 minutes. When the yogurt is heated, permit it to chill off and refrigerate. Serve it the manner in which you like and appreciate.

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