Hara Kebab Recipe

Hara Kebab Recipe. Hara Kebab is a Mughlai recipe made with spinach, potato, peas, gram flour, mace powder, cashews and melange of flavors. It is a delectable nibble recipe for events like kitty parties and social gatherings. Evaluate this speedy and simple to-make recipe.

Elements of Hara Kebab
5 Servings
250 gm spinach
100 gm peas
5 gm cleaved green bean stew
5 gm cumin powder
5 gm powdered green cardamom
salt as required
150 gm potato
100 gm gram flour (besan)
10 gm cleaved ginger
5 gm mace powder
20 gm cashews
150 gm ghee
Hara Kebab Recipe
Instructions to make Hara Kebab
Stage 1
Whitened the spinach in salted water. Channel and keep them in chilly water. Finely cleaved the spinach and keep to the side.
Stage 2
Heat up the potato, green peas and squash appropriately. Take a little container and meal gram flour till brilliant brown.
Stage 3
Then, at that point, blend all the kebab fixings and make smooth mixture.
Stage 4
Shape into cutlet patties and top with cashew nut parts. Then, at that point, shallow broiled the kebab in brilliant brown both side.
Stage 5
Served hara kebab hot with pineapple chutney.
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