Green and Red Sandwich Recipe

Green and Red Sandwich Recipe

Green and Red Sandwich is a simple and fiery breakfast formula. Green and Red Sandwich Made with mint (pudina) chutney and pureed tomatoes, this basic breakfast formula can be presented with plain potato chips and smoothie.

Green and Red Sandwich

10 bread cuts
1 teaspoon squashed to glue garlic
4 teaspoon spread
1 squeeze salt.

Green and Red Sandwich Recipe

Stage 1
Take one bread cut and spread margarine on its two sides.

Stage 2
Apply green (pudina) chutney on one cut, pureed tomatoes on another and spread on the third cut.

Stage 3
Sandwich the buttered cut between the other two and cut into wanted shapes.

Stage 4
Fill in all things considered or keep it in a sandwich toaster oven to seal the edges.

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