Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe.Poha is a staple Indian breakfast that’s crafted from a flattened and dehydrated rice flake (that’s known as Poha). It’s a favourite of many Indians and is one of these dishes that human beings on the Keto lifestyle tend to overlook pretty a bit.

A whilst back I cooked up a Keto version of Upma, any other Indian breakfast dish that’s crafted from semolina flour. I use cauliflower pulsed within the food processor to resemble the semolina. It become pretty obvious that cauliflower might come to my rescue to create a Keto Poha.Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

When poha turned into made at my residence we always used potato in it (often known as batata poha) and I knew I wanted that potato element in my dish. Since I’m been announcing it for some time now ‘cauliflower’ is the new potato, it changed into pretty apparent what I needed to do. I used the cauliflower stalks and chopped them up like a potato and boiled them to update the potato detail. It become best! Anyway watch the video and see for yourself.Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

This recipe has a first rate amount of net carbs in it, nine grams for a unmarried serving of 250 energy. For maximum Keto folks that is a lot. I could say it’s pretty smooth to lessen that quantity with the aid of just the use of much less of the purple onion, perhaps use 30 grams instead of 60 for the complete dish and possibly use half of the quantity of peanuts as nicely.Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

The meat and potatoes of this dish (no pun supposed) is the cauliflower itself and the flavours come largely from the mustard seeds, curry leaves and tumeric. I might also throw some chopped bacon in this. I can already see the scornful look of thy ‘pure-vegetarian’ viewer. Either manner this could in reality enchantment to individuals who are perhaps a chunk uninterested in eggs for breakfast or possibly just need an thrilling keto snack.

Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe
Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Keto Poha

Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Nutrition Info (Per serving)
Calories: 252
Net Carbs: 9g
Carbs: 14g
Fat: 20g
Protein: 7g
Fiber: 5g
This recipe makes 2 servings. Get this recipe on myfitnesspal.
Keto Poha
Keto Poha (Indian Breakfast Dish)

Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Servings Prep Time
2 servings 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
300 grams Cauliflower
60 grams Diced Red Onion
30 grams Peanuts
1 Tbsp Butter I recommend this one
1 Tbsp olive oil I use this one
1 Tsp Mustard Seeds Buy Online
1 Tsp Tumeric Try this one
1 Green Chilly
8 Curry Leaves Order them right here
Salt to Taste
Cilantro/Coriander For garnish
a squeeze of Lime Juice


Start through prepping the cauliflower. Separate it into florets and the stalks. Wash very well.
Shape and reduce the stalk into cubes to resemble potatoes and rice the florets in a food processor.
Boil the stalks in salted water for 10 minutes or till gentle Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Dry roast the peanuts in a frying pan till they get a pleasant golden brown colour and set apart
In the identical pan heat up 1 tbsp olive oil with 1 tbsp butter (rather you could use 2 tbsp of ghee alternatively)Few Steps To Prepare Keto Poha Recipe

Then upload inside the mustard seeds and when they start popping add in the curry leaves and the onions.
Season with a few salt and tumeric and fry out the spice

Then upload in the peanuts and green chillies and prepare dinner for a similarly minute or so.
Add in the cauliflower rice, season with salt, upload a dash of water and cowl and cook dinner till tender.
Once the cauliflower has cooked upload in the fake potatoes and supply all of it a very good blend.
Finish with coriander and a squeeze of lime juice


Pure Golden Milk Preparation

Digi Skynet

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