Curried Rice With Prawn Recipe

Curried Rice With Prawn Recipe

Curried Rice With Prawn Recipe. A treat to the taste and sight both, Curried Rice With Shrimp is a tasty dish which can’t be opposed by any individual who sits on a similar table as this dish.

Curried Rice

Curried Rice With Prawn Recipe

This shrimp dish will immediately become one of your habitually made recipes.

In the event that you distinguish as an ocean bottom aficionado or a food darling overall it is absolutely impossible that you can pass up this recipe.

Ready in a variety of Indian flavors and added to cooked rice this shrimp dish is totally different than some other.

What’s more is that this recipe is made with the effectively accessible fixings and can be made with next to no problem or extravagant arrangements.

Serve this wonderful dish at your next kitty party or potluck and influence every one of the commendations towards yourself.

This dish makes certain to be a hit in your family. Attempt it for you and break the repetitiveness of the standard revolution of dishes ready.

Curried Rice With Prawn Recipe

More than any other person your children will adore this dish and by eating it they would get every one of the fundamental supplements for the afternoon.

In the event that you are the sort of individual who is continuously hoping to venture out and unique, this is your reason for living.

Follow this bit by bit recipe to set up this dish in under thirty minutes and relish its integrity with your friends and family.

How to make Curried Rice With Shrimp

Stage 1 Chop vegetables and devein shrimp

To set up this tempting shrimp dish first, strip and devein shrimp.

Keep to the side till additional utilization. Take a hacking board and cleave onions, garlic, carrots on it.

Stage 2 Saute onions, carrots and add curry powder and garlic

In a profound lined container kept on medium fire, heat oil.

When the oil is hot, add onions and carrots to the dish. Saute them until the onions become pinkish and the carrots turn delicate. Then add curry powder and garlic to the skillet.

Cook for 3-4 minutes.

Stage 3 Add rice with water and let the blend cook for 30 minutes

Then, add rice to the dish with 5 cups water and top with salt and dark pepper.

Allow the combination to bubble by diminishing the intensity to low.

Cover and stew for 20-25 minutes.

Curried Rice With Prawn Recipe

Stage 4 Add in the shrimp

When the rice is half cooked add shrimp, salt and pepper to the skillet.

Cover once more and cook for 10 minutes more.

Stage 5 Garnish and serve hot

Eliminate from fire once done. Embellish with basil leaves and serve hot.

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