Cashew Walnut Halwa Recipe

Cashew Walnut Halwa Recipe

Cashew Walnut Halwa Recipe. In the event that you are exhausted of making the standard, worn out halwa recipes and are on a post for another one, then, at that point, your hunt closes here. Causing you a deep sense of pleasure, we are here to introduce the Cashew Walnut Halwa recipe which is stacked with nuts like cashew and pecan. This one will make you ‘bonkers’, however positively! One of the advantages of simplifying this recipe is that it is made with basic fixings which are effectively accessible.

Cashew Walnut Halwa Recipe

Serve this enticing recipe to your friends and family and leave them in wonder of your culinary abilities. You could add different nuts and dry products of your decision to make this pastry recipe really engaging. Thus, make a note of the means recorded here and offer this one a chance today!

Elements of Cashew Walnut Halwa

4 Servings
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoon ghee
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup pecans
1/2 cup cashews

Cashew Walnut Halwa Recipe

Instructions to make Cashew Walnut Halwa

Stage 1
Regardless, carry a mortar with pestle and add pecans into it. Presently generally pulverize them and keep them to the side in a bowl. Presently, finely pound the cashews also.

Stage 2
Presently, bubble water in a wide container and add sugar to it. The syrup ought to be of string consistency.

Stage 3
Then, over a medium fire, place a kadhai and heat ghee in it. Put in the pecans and saute them for 2 minutes. Hold the fire to a low. Continue sauteing till the pecans become marginally brown.

Stage 4
Pour the pre-arranged sugar syrup in this container alongside cashews. Continue to mix for 2 minutes. Serve it warm and savor its falvours!

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