Carrot Porridge Recipe

Carrot Porridge Recipe. Relish this Carrot Porridge as a morning meal or early lunch dish in winters. This delectable porridge is customarily appreciated with old milk or new cream. This solid and delectable Carrot Porridge is arranged utilizing basic fixings like ground carrots, cloves, ghee, bubbled rice and sugar. Otherwise called, Gajarbhatta, this delectable recipe doesn’t consume most of the day to be ready. This warm porridge is an optimal recipe for cold winter nights. Set up this lip-smacking porridge for your precious ones.
Elements of Carrot Porridge
4 Servings
1 kilograms carrot
1/2 cup ghee
sugar as required
8 clove
1 cup rice
Carrot Porridge Recipe
Instructions to make Carrot Porridge
Stage 1
Wash carrots in running water and mesh them. Take an enormous skillet and intensity ghee over medium fire. At the point when air pockets rise, add cloves. Cook briefly.
Stage 2
Then add ground carrots and sugar, cook for 15 minutes over low fire. At the point when sugar begins to leave dampness add bubbled rice and blend it in with the carrots. Cook for few moments, blending every so often.
Stage 3
At the point when it is thick and cooked, present with warm milk and new cream.
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