Bombay Fruit Toast Recipe

Bombay Fruit Toast Recipe

Bombay Fruit Toast Recipe. Need a speedy and simple tidbit that can satisfy your desires in a jiffy?

Attempt this fresh Indian style French toast, which is likewise famously called Bombay Toast.

Fruit Toast

Bombay Fruit Toast Recipe

Made with simply bread, sugar, eggs and milk, this formula can be made with effectively accessible kitchen fixings.

Embellish for certain strawberries and appreciate it with your friends and family.

You can have it for breakfast or for nibble during lunch time.

Do attempt this formula and appreciate!

How to make Bombay Toast

Stage 1 Prepare the hitter

Break the eggs in a bowl and add sugar to it.

Whisk well to frame a hitter.

Stage 2 Cook the toast

Put a dish on medium fire.

Plunge the bread cuts from the two sides in the hitter and put them on the container.

Cook from the two sides until brilliant brown and fresh.

Stage 3 Garnish and serve

Embellish the Bombay Toast with slashed strawberries and serve.

Do attempt this simple formula, rate it and let us in on how it ended up being.

Bombay Fruit Toast Recipe

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