Bacterial Chlamydia disease

Bacterial Chlamydia disease

Bacterial Chlamydia disease. Chlamydia is a bacterial-caused physically sent disease (STI) which is brought about by microorganisms called chlamydia trachomatis. Bacterial Chlamydia contamination is likewise called quiet disease as it shows no noticeable side effects in the beginning phases of the contamination. Due to its quiet nature, the contamination can without much of a stretch spread effectively as the tainted individual knows nothing about being tainted with the disease.

One can encounter genital agony and release from the vagina or penis as a side effect of chlamydia.

Infants and babies can likewise get the microscopic organisms during labor.

Bacterial Chlamydia disease

Bacterial Chlamydia

Aside from the previously mentioned causes, chlamydia can’t spread through:

Contact with a latrine seat

Utilizing a pool

Sharing a sauna

Actual contact with the tainted individual

Hacks or sniffles

Offering an office to a contaminated individual

Offering a house to a contaminated individual

Use assurance while engaging with another accomplice.

Get tried consistently for STDs.

Try not to have oral sex, or then again assuming that you in all actuality do have oral sex, use security.

One ought to keep away from sex until the treatment is finished

Limit the quantity of sex accomplices and use insurance while engaging in sexual relations

Chlamydia can be treated with anti-infection agents as it is a bacterial contamination. The specialist can recommend a course of oral anti-microbials relying upon the seriousness of the contamination.

A few instances of anti-infection agents for chlamydia include:




Different medications incorporate erythromycin and amoxicillin. These anti-microbials can likewise have a few secondary effects like:

Loose bowels

Stomach torment

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