Making Of Entire Wheat Flour And Paneer Pancakes

Making Of Entire Wheat Flour And Paneer Pancakes

Making Of Entire Wheat Flour And Paneer Pancakes

Need to eat sound hotcakes? Here is a delicate, cushy and nutritious flapjack recipe that utilizes entire wheat flour rather than white flour.

Wheat Flour And Paneer Pancakes

Making Of Entire Wheat Flour And Paneer Pancakes

You can make this simple to-make recipe for your precious ones in breakfast, while it can likewise be eaten as a bite.

Elements of Whole Wheat Flour and Paneer Pancake

1 cup wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon powdered green cardamom
2 teaspoon sugar
1 cup skimmed milk
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon olive oil pomace
For The Main Dish
1 banana
50 gm squashed low fat curds

The most effective method to make Whole Wheat Flour and Paneer Pancakes

Stage 1

Blend every one of the fixings aside from low fat curds (paneer) in a blender until smooth.

Stage 2

Move the player into a bowl, blend in the disintegrated or squashed paneer and rest for 10 min.

Stage 3

Heat a non-stick dish (tawa) on low-medium fire and smear a little olive oil on it.

Stage 4

Pour a scoop brimming with the player, cover and cook for 2 minutes, flip and cook the opposite side also till the flapjack becomes brilliant brown. Serve hot.

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