Suryanamaskar & Chandranamaskar : Step by step guide
Suryanamaskar & Chandranamaskar : Step by step guide A bit by bit manual for do Suryanamaskar and Chandranamaskar
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Assuming you know about the different asanas of yoga or have at any point attempted it, you should have positively caught wind of Suryanamaskar or Sun greeting and its medical advantages. Very much like Sun Salutation, there is one more series of asana, which many probably won’t be comfortable with, called Chandranmaskar.
Where Suryanamaskar assists you with channelising sunlight based energy, Chandranamaskar is tied in with inviting the lunar energy into your life. Here is the essential contrast between the two and steps to perform them.
02/6How to do Suryanamaskar and chandranamaskar
Suryanamaskar & Chandranamaskar : Step by step guide
Sun greeting is about sun powered energy as is acted toward the beginning of the day when the beams of the Sun are the most brilliant. It is a succession of 12 strong yoga presents, which are acted in 2 sets. This grouping of asana stimulates the body and mind and gives essentialness, movement, assurance, and clearness. It additionally assists with further developing blood flow.
04/6How to do Sun welcome
Stage 1: Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
Stand upstanding on your mat with your feet near one another. Breathe in, grow your chest and raise your arms from the side. While breathing out, consolidate both your palms (over your head) as though you are asking.
Stage 2: Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
Breathe in, lift your arms and marginally curve in reverse. Your shoulders should be near your ears.
Stage 3: Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)
Breathe out and twist forward from your middle. Attempt to contact the floor with your hands.
Stage 4: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Lunge Pose)
Breathe out and take your left leg in reverse and jump down to bring your right knees carefully shrouded. Stretch your left leg in reverse. Raise your head and look forward.
Stage 5: Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank Pose) Suryanamaskar & Chandranamaskar : Step by step guide
Breathe in and take your right leg back too to come to board present. Both your hands should be under your shoulders and from head to toes you should be in an orderly fashion.
Stage 6: Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight Limbed Pose)
Breathe out and gradually bring your knees down toward the floor. Lay your jawline on the floor, however your hips should be in the air. Just your hands, knees, jaw, and chest ought to lay on the ground.
Stage 7: Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) Suryanamaskar & Chandranamaskar : Step by step guide
Lay your body on the ground and spot your palms alongside your chest. Breathe in and compress onto the ground to take your chest area off the ground.
Stage 8: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Breathe out and tenderly lift your hips to come to a modified ‘V’. Fix your elbows and knees for that and look toward your navel.
Stage 9: Ashwa Sanchalanasana (High Lunge Pose)
Present your left foot and keep your right leg extended behind you and look forward.
Stage 10: Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Breathe in and present your left foot too. Safeguarding the place of your hands, breathe out and twist your middle to come to Hasta Padasana present.
Stage 11: Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
Breathe in and gradually stand up. Raise your arms over your head and join the palms. Curve somewhat in reverse.
Stage 12: Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
Breathe out and stand straight in a casual way. Bring down the arms and hold your palms before your chest.
Chandranamaskar, then again, is for the most part performed around evening time when the moon is apparent. It comprises of 17 yoga asanas and is acted in two sets. Chandranamaskar upgrades the lunar energy in our body. It gives us harmony and loosens up the brain and assists with recovering. Suryanamaskar & Chandranamaskar : Step by step guide
06/6How to do Moon Salutation
Stage 1: Pranamasana (Prayer present)
Stand straight with your feet together at the right finish of the mat. Consolidate your arms in the supplication position away from plain view. Suryanamaskar & Chandranamaskar : Step by step guide
Stage 2: Chandrasana (Side stretch posture)
Breathe in and curve to the left side then, at that point, rehash something similar on the right side. Try not to shift forward or back, just sideways.
Stage 3: Utkata konasana (Victory squat)
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