A Crisis Prophylactic Pill. I engaged in sexual relations with my sweetheart with half of my penis entered in her vagina in from the rear. I’m uncertain about whether my penis went inside the vagina. My sweetheart is saying it headed inside. Is there any opportunity of pregnancy by pre-cum? Despite the fact that I discharged outside.
The subsequent episode occurred close to an hour after the fact, and seemingly out of the blue I engaged in sexual relations with her again without a condom. This time I’m certain about the infiltration, my penis went half inside. Be that as it may, I didn’t wash the penis before entrance and I had recently discharged. She had her periods 8 to 10 days prior.
After an hour, around the same time I gave her Undesirable 72 made by Humankind drugs. So we took the pill around two hours from whenever we first had intercourse.
Undesirable 72 is a crisis prophylactic pill and the possibilities of pregnancy are extremely low. That being said you’re carrying on with a very hazardous way of life, for what reason mightn’t you at any point keep a few condoms. Discharging outside is certainly not a protected strategy to forestall pregnancies. Indeed, even a smidgen of semen can cause undesirable pregnancies. Simply utilize a condom when you engage in sexual relations. What’s more, if it’s not too much trouble, simply wash subsequent to discharging.
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